Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 5, Video Project

The assignment of creating a video and posting on youtube didn't exactly go as planned for many reasons. For one me and my partner didn't exactly have a full solid plan of what the 30 second video would be all about exactly. Sure we had an idea of what we wanted but our views on how we would go about doing it differed. We also didn't meet as much as we should to explain and talk about the project. Also i was indifferent about our idea during the later part of the week and was more interested in doing something that would garner a lot of attention and views. Something like a viral video i slowly began to draw away from the original idea we had at the start and wanted to make something different. I tried to do that project along with the one we were originally planning to do but i became split in both and again i didn't exactly communicate with my partner. For some odd reason during these past few weeks i have had a hard time focusing on much of anything really. It takes a lot of effort to keep myself targeted on one thing at a time and find myself thinking of many things at the same time. While i would be working on something i would almost immediately think of another project or homework that is due and jump on that then think of something else and jump on that just as quickly. 

One way i found how two IP addresses can connect with each other is through a network. All computers of course connected through a network have different IP addresses. In order for two computers to connect you need to access one computer to another through a communication protocol or router table. A router table is basically the electronic table stored in routers or a network computer. It stores the routes to certain network destinations.

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